Each year, Nottinghamshire County Council visit and assess a range of factors including the choice of meals, cleanliness and the number of activities on offer. This is used to give each home a quality rating, with band one being the lowest quality and band five the highest.
Branthwaite are proud to remain in band 5, scoring excellent throughout the audit.

Safe and Homely Environment
Rating: Excellent
“Individual spaces were personalised and decorated to a high standard and of the residents choosing. Communal areas were clen / pleasant/ welcoming and maintained regularly. There were no concerns raised by staff or residents about the cleanliness of the service”
Services are Managed Effectively
Rating: Excellent
“Our observations of the home manager found they led the team well. The staff told us they felt supported by the manager and that they felt supported at weekends.
We found clear evidence of comprehensive auditing processes in place which were evidence based and were relative to ensuring quality processes are in place”